2014년 7월 12일 토요일

2014.08.02- 08.09 
Havana, Cuba

                              박보미    조성건    김다솔   이우석    윤나민   최정길   김윤혜 
                                  Rebecca Park   Kevin Jo   Kylie Kim   David Lee  Namin Yoon  Gill Choi  Yoon-hye Kim

                                                                      김진우       노의명       정정호
                                                                      Jin Kim      Euimyeong Noh    Kyle Jung

We are a team of 9 followers of Jesus Christ going to Havana, Cuba for a short-term missions trip from August 2 to 9, 2014.
It used to be that the communist party in Cuba restricted the members from participating in any religious activities. However, starting in the early-1990s, the communist party has eased its restriction on religion, thus opening up the new era of religious freedom in Cuba. In 1994, the Cuban government legalized small family church units, and currently, the government statistics show that a small number of 2% of the Cuban population consider themselves as Christians – although the realistic figure is closer to 10% of the Cuban population.

On the surface, conditions in Cuba seem ripe for the gospel to spread throughout the nation and that the country is a fitted place for Christians to practice their faith. But unfortunately, Christians in Cuba are still being discriminated and persecuted for their faith and conviction in Jesus Christ.

Moreover, foreign nationals are forbidden from performing any religious activities outside of church. There are even secret agents that provide information about religious activities to the government within larger churches.

Due to such circumstances, we as Christians outside of Cuba have lots of work to do – to spread the word of God in the communist country.
During our stay in Cuba, we will be interacting with young and energetic youth Christians, who will later become leaders to revive the nation that has neglected Jesus Christ for many years. We firmly believe that God is planning on doing great things in Cuba by bringing people back to churches and teaching them the love that Jesus has taught us.

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to be a part of our journey. If you could support us in your prayers as well as financially, we would greatly appreciate your support!

If you would like to help us financially, you can click on the “Donate” button and follow the instructions to become our sponsor.
Please pray that we would be safe but also be God’s obedient hands and feet that will be able to spread His unconditional love in Cuba. Thank you so much for all your support.

For more information,  please contact to info.cubamission@gmail.com


다가오는 8 2일부터 9일까지 일주일간 캐나다 토론토 영락 교회 청년 1부에서 9명의 청년들이 쿠바의 아바나에 단기 선교를 떠납니다.
불과 20여년 전에 '종교는 아편이다'라는 말과 함께 전에는 공산당원이   없었던 종교인들에게 공산당원이  있는 권리가 주어짐으로 종교의 자유가 이루어졌습니다그리고 94년도 가정과 쎌교회가 허가되어 부흥이 시작되었습니다현제는 통계상  2%정도이지만  10% 정도의 기독교인이 살고 있다고 추정되어 있습니다.
겉모습으로 보았을  쿠바의 복음화는 금방 이루어   같고 기독교 인들이 살기 좋은 나라가   같지만사실상 쿠바의 기독교 인들은 많은 박해를 받으며 신앙을 지켜 나가고 있습니다.
게다가 외국인들의 교회 외에서의 종교활동은 금지되어 있고이를 감시하기 위해 왠만한  교회는 국가의 스파이가 은밀히 감시까지 하고 있는 상황입니다.
이처럼 외국 선교사에 의해 쿠바 땅에 복음의 씨앗이 심어 지기 쉽지 않은 상황임에도 불구하고 아직 우리가  것들이 많이 남아 있습니다.
쿠바 땅을 회복 시키기 위해 하나님이 준비하신 쿠바의 크리스챤 청년들에게 성령의 불꽃을 심어주고그들이 교회에 모아 오는 사람들에게 말씀을 전하고무엇보다 하나님이 그토록 사랑하시는  땅과 그곳의 사람들을 위해 맘과 정성으로 기도하고 돌아오겠습니다.
기도로그리고 물질로 많이 후원해 주세요!
후원을 원하시는 분들은 아래의 Donate 버튼을 누르셔서 절차를 밟아주시면 간편하게 후원이 가능합니다하나님의 일을 위해 귀하게 사용하겠습니다그래도 가장 중요한 것은 기도해 주시는 일입니다저희가 하나님께 사용되어 그들에게 하나님의 사랑을 전하고 안전히 돌아   있도록 기도해 주세요!

문의 사항이 있으신 분은 info.cubamission@gmail.com 으로 연락주세요.

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